Press Releases for Barcelona

  • 1128

    Anonymous Artist Gets His Own Art Museum In Barcelona

    The Museum of Liberalism Art (MOLA) in Barcelona is now dedicated to the diverse style Liberalism art created by the Anonymous artist "An Idiot".

    By : Museum of Liberalism Art| 11-21-2016 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 1128

  • 1053

    Real Madrid v Barcelona live streaming available with and partners have announced their officially licensed live streaming partner bet365 have secured the rights to stream live coverage of Real Madrid's Copa del Rey semi-final clash with Barcelona free to their members

    By : | 01-29-2013 | Sports:Sports | Total Views : 1053

  • 1507

    Barcelona City Tours Launches Travel Blog for Tourists

    Barcelona City Tours has launched a travel blog to help tourists make the most of their visit to Barcelona.

    By : | 04-25-2012 | Travel:Travel | Total Views : 1507

  • 1131

    Rent an apartment, B&B or Guesthouse by the Beach in Barcelona

    Since the massive clean-up operation of the Barcelona beaches and nearby Olympic marina village undertaken for the 1992 Olympics, this area has become a magnet for Barcelonans and visitors alike.

    By : | 07-02-2010 | Business:Real Estate | Total Views : 1131

  • 941

    Enforex Spanish Schools Announces Instituto Cervantes Scholarship

    With such a competitive global economy as we have today, more and more students are looking for a way to gain an edge.

    By : | 07-20-2011 | Education:Education | Total Views : 941

  • 787

    International artists meet in Barcelona from 19 May to 5 June 2011 in the World Art Vision

    The Real Círculo Artístico de Barcelona, located in the Palacio Pignatelli in the Barrio Gótico, hosts this contemporary art kermesse.

    By : | 05-17-2011 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 787

  • 812

    Goldhill Associates Reports: Japanese firms Overcome The Natural Disaster

    Japan’s government recently declared £30 emergency catastrophe aid following recent months earthquake and tsunami however the expense in people’s conditions is actually unquantifiable.

    By : | 05-11-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 812

  • 725

    Goldhill Associates – Regretful Waste of Money

    Loads of funds is wasted on training devices individuals are coaxed to purchase but sooner or later goes unused. An individual poster admit getting a $800+ Bowflex working out machine for the New Year’s resolution but is now offering it absent to charity.

    By : | 04-09-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 725

  • 866

    Goldhill Associates Seizing Opportunities in Hard Economic Times

    Here at Goldhill Associates it is our mission to ensure that we maintain our streamlined system and to become a leader in the market sector of global financial advisory services, and that we all as a collective must do our uttmost to help our clients to first attain their financial goals and then to surpass them.

    By : | 03-31-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 866

  • 732

    Goldhill Associates – Right Choice, Our Advantage

    Our advantage over our competitors is expertise and our record of getting the the best returns out of your investments. Our team understands that there are a myriad of ways to manage how you invest your money. But we also know that no two people are the same in their needs. This is why we take great pride in our method of assessing each individual client.

    By : | 01-12-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 732