Press Releases for psychologists

  • 559

    More Than One Million Expect to Get Ignited!

    More than eighty-five top physicians, psychologists, authors, mentors, musicians, performers, teachers and coaches will offer a plethora of fabulous bonus gifts when the paperback version of Dr. Christine Ranck and Christopher Lee Nutter’s book, Ignite the Genius Within, launches on Wednesday, July 20.

    By : | 07-20-2011 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 559

  • 686

    Mental Health Magazine (The Empowerment) to Launch in Sacramento., Sacpros

    Mental Health Magazine aimed at promoting overall wellness and resiliency for the Greater Sacramento.

    By : | 03-23-2011 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 686