Press Releases for stoves

  • 712

    Don’t Waste the Warmth from a Wood Fire!

    A wood fire is a cost effective and environmentally friendly way of warming your house but with an open fire most of the heat escapes up the chimney. The solution is to use a properly designed wood burning stove.

    By : | 03-23-2012 | Home and Family:Home and Family | Total Views : 712

  • 960

    Direct Stoves Helps To Get Winter Ready

    With winter all ready to set in, Direct Stove have come with a safety checklist for wood burning stoves

    By : | 11-16-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 960

  • 999 offers permanent Heating solutions for Britons to tide over 2011 winter

    Just as winter fuel price hikes are to be effected in UK, has ushered a host of discounts and offers on its range of highly efficient wood burning and multi-fuel stoves,

    By : | 09-17-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 999

  • 1181

    Stoves Ireland – understanding the history of stoves by Heat Design

    Stoves Ireland – Origin of stoves The Old English word stofa meant any individual enclosed space, such as a room, and 'stove' is still occasionally used in that sense, as in 'stoved in'. Until well into the 19th century 'stove' was used to mean a single heated room, so that Joseph Banks assertion that he 'placed his most precious plants in the stove' or René Descartes observation that he got 'his greatest philosophical inspiration while sitting inside a stove' are not as odd as they seem.

    By : | 09-13-2010 | Home and Family:Home and Family | Total Views : 1181