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Light Power Solutions LLC Offers Answers Rising energy costsRising
Light Power Solutions LLC Offers Answers Rising energy costsRising 
Recently Light Power Solutions LLC opened their business into the Alaska territory.
United States
"The installers were very polite and courteous and got right to work installing the heat shield over our insulation in the attic. They also did a great job of wrapping our water heater.""
Jacksonville, FL - August 23, 2010 -- As Energy Costs Skyrocket, Light Power Solutions LLC Offers Answers Rising energy costs and consumption have hit consumers bank accounts like never before. This past summer has been one of the harshest on record and home cooling systems have been working overtime. The team of professionals at Light Power Solutions LLC, with extensive experience in developing devices to help cut home and business energy costs, is ready to share their knowledge of energy saving solutions. Light Power Solutions LLC is a full service energy consulting firm with specialties in energy efficient strategies as well as total energy independence through solar and other cutting edge products.
While the company is devoted to supply 100% American Made products, their first priority is researching, testing, and marketing the finest products available anywhere on the global market. Their knowledge and research is money in your pocket every month when it comes time to pay utility bills. This is what some of their satisfied customers have had to say about the offerings of Light Power Solutions LLC: "After attending an informative, non pushy presentation of what Light Power Solutions LLC had to offer, we decided to meet with John at our home for a personalized assessment of how Light Power Solutions LLC could help us. We decided to put in the Attic insulation to see if we could cut down on heating and cooling costs. Installation was within a couple of days of signing the contract.
The installers were very polite and courteous and got right to work installing the heat shield over our insulation in the attic. They also did a great job of wrapping our water heater." -Loren and Patricia Lund, Branson MO. "Since the installation of the power shield in my home, I am able to sleep upstairs. In the past it was always too hot upstairs. Now my upstairs only gets a little bit warm but it cools off much quicker and stays cool throughout the night" -Scott S. Williams Light Power Solutions products also save money on heating costs.
Recently Light Power Solutions LLC opened their business into the Alaska territory. They presented 3 weeks of seminars to the Alaskan people and received a very positive response. Consultation for saving money on energy costs in your home is by appointment only. Each client is treated individually with specific focus on the energy saving needs for their home and budget. If you would like to attend a dinner seminar presentation to find out what products would help you control your energy costs and usage, please call 1800 506 9414 to find out where the next presentation in your area will be held.
Contact :
Light Power Solutions LLC
Jacksonville, FL
1800 506 9414
PR Solutions