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CPMG's Monday Milestones Campaign

Many parents have questions about their child’s development. With the help of CPMG’s Monday Milestones campaign, many of those questions can be answered.
San Diego, CA, United States (pr4links.com) 17/08/2011
For every parent who has ever worried about the growth or development of their newborn, Children’s Physicians Medical Group ( http://www.cpmgsandiego.com/ ) (CPMG) of San Diego has a plan to help. On Monday, August 15th, CPMG will launch the Monday Milestones campaign on Facebook, allowing any parent with an internet connection to follow the campaign and take advantage of its useful information. While the Monday Milestones program is primarily targeted towards new parents, any parent with concerns about child development will be welcome to join.

The ultimate goal of the Monday Milestones program is to keep parents informed on some of the more typical patterns of infant and child development. Even though every child is different, most children display certain characteristics or traits at roughly the same age. Using this information, parents can make more informed decisions about the care that their children receive.

Followers of the Monday Milestones program are updated once per week on typical growth development patterns for children, from birth through the teen years. By comparing their child’s growth patterns to those of children around the same age, parents can better determine whether their child’s habits or characteristics are cause for concern or just a part of growing up. For example, first time parents may wonder when their one week old will stop rooting or why their two week old won’t stop crying. With the help of the Monday Milestones campaign, those first time parents will learn that rooting following the first week of birth is normal and that “colic”, or non-stop crying for no apparent reason, is common in children around two weeks old. As the child ages, parents that follow the campaign will be guided through just about every major development of the child’s life, from first word and first step to first chest hair and first pimple.

By giving parents information from credible and trustworthy sources, CPMG hopes to alleviate some of the unfounded fears that can keep many new parents up at night. Even more experienced parents of pre-teens and teens will find the Monday Milestones campaign helpful in dealing with parental concerns associated with adolescence and puberty. Because CPMG will make the campaign accessible via Facebook, staying up to date on the latest milestones will be easy and convenient. Parents could even monitor their child’s growth and development stages from their mobile devices, on their lunch hour, or while surfing the web and staying connected with other Facebook users.

Parents who are not currently Facebook users but who are interested in joining the campaign can sign up for a free account at www.Facebook.com. Once an account has been created, which usually takes less than five minutes, parents can visit the CPMG homepage or Facebook profile ( http://www.facebook.com/cpmgsandiego?sk=info ) for more information on the Monday Milestones launch.


Children's Physicians Medical Group
P.O. Box 23076
San Diego, CA 92193-3076
Contact: Judi Pruitt, Director of Marketing
Bus: (858) 401-9296
Fax: (858) 309-6290



CPMG hopes that users of FaceBook will direct other people to the page so that the free health information can reach even more people. Fans of the knock knock jokes are urged to spread those on as well, since laughter, and all of its benefits, are naturally and highly contagious.


Judi Pruitt

P.O. Box 23076
Zipcode : 92123