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Solar Water Heating By Heliocol

Solarheating.co.nz is the leading manufacturer and supplier of advanced solar heating equipments. We deliver the solar heating systems for high performance domestic household and commercial use.
Eastridge, Auckland, New Zealand (pr4links.com) 19/08/2011
A lot of people think about lowering their living cost these days. The energy bill can be quite expensive if you do not use the best ways for lowering it. The solar water hating technology is among the best technologies that can help you reduce your carbon footprint and energy bill at the same time. It is cost effective and with water being heated by solar energy you will help the environment as well. With the best solar water heating systems from Heliocol you will not only reduce the carbon dioxide emissions but you will also reduce your electricity bill.

When it comes to installing a solar water heating system, you should not worry about complications. Installing it is pretty easy if you know a few things about it. If your roof is facing south you will enjoy even better advantages from your Heliocol solar heating system. If not, you will collect solar energy as well. Of course, this system should not be seen as a sole system. You will need to use it as an additional system to other existent ones for heating your home. Gas and electrical systems are both good for that.With the solar energy being absolutely free, you bound to enjoy the water heating through sun rays. Also, being renewable is a great characteristic of this type of energy because it allows reducing the non renewable fuel consumption.

There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages that come from using Heliocol solar water heating systems. You need to know them before you even think about installing them in your home. For example, you will get from 50 % to 75 % of your hot water from this type of energy. Of course, you will reduce your energy bill by a lot too and most of these systems work great with electric and gas systems as primary heating sources. Of course, there are some downsides you will need to be aware of as well. For example, the upfront costs for installing these systems can be quite expensive. Even though you will save some serious money after installing them, the upfront payments can be seen as unaffordable by some people. Also, you need to research a little bit and find out if your home is suitable for solar heating. In some cases, you simply can’t use this type of system on your property because it is not suitable.


Solarheating.co.nz offers expert advice on all types of solar heating for new homes, upgrading your hot water system and for retro-fitting your existing hot water system. Find out how to save up to 65% or more on your water heating bill!



0508- 446 892 P.O.Box 133129 Eastridge 1146
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0508- 446 892