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Now you can Learn about Decontamination with Hazwoper Training CoursesFeatured PR

Now Hawoper training courses can help you remove or reduce, radioactive or hazardous contaminations from facilities, equipment, or individuals, by washing, heating.
Folsom CA, CA, United States (pr4links.com) 08/10/2010
Decontamination is the process of “removing contamination or the removal of harmful substances such as noxious chemicals, harmful bacteria or other organisms, or radioactive material from exposed individuals, rooms and furnishings in buildings, or the exterior environment.” Furthermore, the very process of decontamination is a must, for it plays a major role in disease prevention. The process of decontamination must be carefully studied, before it can be administered efficiently, hence, the Hazwoper training courses, provide training in decontamination, in an informative, yet practical way.

Through, these Hazwoper training courses students often find out that there are 3 main types of decontamination, they are:

  1. Hand Decontamination:

    • Wash hands completely with soap and water.<.li>
    • Rinse completely; dry then with a clean towel or air dry.

  2. Clothing, Tool/Equipment Decontamination:

    • It is always preferable to use soap and clean water when available.

    • If however, only contaminated water is available at that very point of time, then mix 1/4 cup bleach per gallon of water.

    • Immerse all the contaminated objects in the solution for about 10 minutes; if clothing is contaminated, then gently agitate periodically.

    • Then, transfer the objects to hand wash solution for 10 minutes; once again, if clothing is contaminated, then gently agitate periodically.

    • Allow clothes and tools/equipment to thoroughly air dry before re-use.

  3. Severe Surface Decontamination

    • Use the portion mentioned below, for decontaminating only the most seriously affected surfaces.

    • Mix 11/2 cups bleach per gallon of water.

    • This mixture must be poured over the surfaces with heavy contamination and allow it to sit for 3-4 minutes.

    • Next, wipe the contamination from these surfaces, with the help of a paper towel and once again douse contaminated surface, but this time use the hand wash solution.

    • Finally, wipe off residual contamination with a paper towel.

Hazwoper training courses have helped thousands of employees and workers, lead safe lives, with the help of these decontamination procedures. Rush today! And enroll yourself in one of the safety training courses.

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Folsom, CA 95630, United States
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About the Author

The Hazwoper Safety training courses are a 100% online. But more importantly, they have been devised by experts to help employees identify, assess and eliminate any future mishaps.

For further details contact: http://www.hazwopersafetytraining.com/


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