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Vitamins That Improve Your Memory FunctionalityFeatured PR

Vitamins are an integral part of every diet, but some vitamins and minerals affect brain function more than others. In his book The Elements of Memory, Trevor Ponder outlines which vitamins are necessary for memory improvement in your brain.
Seattle, WA, United States (pr4links.com) 05/01/2012
Vitamins are an integral part of every diet, but some vitamins and minerals affect brain function more than others. In his book The Elements of Memory, Trevor Ponder outlines which vitamins are necessary for memory improvement( http://www.elementsofmemory.com/ ) in your brain.

B-vitamins are especially important (B-6, B-9, and B-12). B-vitamins are commonly found in dark, leafy green vegetables such as spinach and collared greens. If you are unable to find these vegetables for inclusion in your diet, you may want to consider taking a daily vitamin B supplement to ensure that your body is able to supply a sufficient amount to your brain. People most affected by B-12 deficiencies are vegetarians, heavy drinkers, and the elderly. Our bodies have more difficulty absorbing B-12, which has a direct effect on the brain and memory processes. Heavy drinking also depletes vitamin intake and vegetarians may be unable to get enough B-12 from their diets.

Antioxidants are also incredibly beneficial to brain health and memory improvement( http://www.elementsofmemory.com/ ). Antioxidants include the vitamins C, E, and beta carotene. Vitamin C can be derived naturally from citrus fruits (limes, oranges, grapefruits, etc.) and other sources. Important antioxidants can also be found in berries, green tea, spinach, nuts, and broccoli. Antioxidants help to eliminate toxic free radicals from your body which affect the transmission of impulses between your neural pathways (including your memory!)

Fish has also been known as a "brain food." Most fish contain a high quantity of omega 3 fatty acids ("good" fats) which help to decrease inflammation and keep your arteries healthy. Omega 3's also get rid of the bad cholesterol in your body which can contribute to heart attacks and strokes, and they also help preserve brain function. Other sources of omega 3 fatty acids include flax seed oil and walnuts if you do not like to eat fish. You can also get them in capsule form.

ElementsOfMemory.com and Trevor Ponder's book of the same name extol the significance of vitamin and antioxidant intake in the retention of memory and the preservation of brain matter. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements in conjunction with following the prescribed regimen of memory enhancing techniques can only help improve your memory. If The Elements of Memory does not work for you, Trevor Ponder offers a full 100% money back guarantee within 90 days. Your brain and the continued success of your memory have nothing to lose by taking these vitamins and supplements so necessary to life.

For more information, please contact:

Name: Trevor Ponder

Company Name: Elements of Memory

Address: 93 S Jackson St, #27981, Seattle, WA 98104

Phone Number: 206 452-3537

Website: http://www.elementsofmemory.com



ElementsOfMemory.com and Trevor Ponder’s book of the same name extol the significance of vitamin and antioxidant intake in the retention of memory and the preservation of brain matter. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements in conjunction with following the prescribed regimen of memory enhancing techniques can only help improve your memory. If The Elements of Memory does not work for you, Trevor Ponder offers a full 100% money back guarantee within 90 days.


Trevor Ponder

93 S Jackson St, #27981
Zipcode : 98104

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