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MFNames.com provides name meanings; find meaning of names from all over the world!
MFNames.com provides name meanings; find meaning of names from all over the world!
MFNames.com provides meaning of names, an extensive list of name meanings for people who wonder “what does my name mean?”
United States
Many people across the world have wondered: "What does my name mean?" While many parents choose their children's names based only on what is popular or pleasing to the ear, most traditions focused on names with specific meanings: strength, hope, generosity, patience. The meanings and origins were often lost over time, but the general rule across the world and throughout time was that all names were significant. They reflected the hopes, values, and professions of the people who created them, holding keys to rich traditions and deep cultural roots. This approach is becoming popular again, and one website is leading the way. Individuals all over the world go to MFNames.com to gain insight into the history, origins, usage, and meaning of names.
A representative for MFNames.com explains: "Name meanings are very helpful for expecting parents who are trying to choose just the right name for a new child. Parents who go to mfnames.com can find valuable information about hundreds of names from different cultures, religions, and traditions. For people who would like to show their respect and love for their families, cultures, and traditions, we help them to honor their ancestors by choosing names for their own children that reflect the history, struggles, philosophies, and values that made their people unique." Visitors to the site can look up names by gender, usage, origin, and meaning, making it easy to find the perfect name. Some people even decide to change their names for various reasons, perhaps as a career move, and a site like this can give them great options when finding a name that crystalizes the persona they are trying to project. One of the great pleasures of having pets comes from the freedom to name them anything we want, so many pet owners find that MFNames.com provides them with unique options for the naming of their dogs, cats, lizards, fish, rabbits, and any other critters they choose to keep around the house.
In addition to the naming of actual living things, name research is very useful for creative types, especially writers of novels, short fiction, plays, films, and TV shows. A novelist may have to come up with over a hundred names for a single book. Having an advanced list of names organized by meaning, origin, and usage can make it much easier to come up with an appropriate name for a character, especially when that character is supposed to represent a particular nationality or ethnic background. For this reason, MFNames.com is one of the best available resources for creative people.
About mfnames.com
MFNames provides name meanings and origins from all over the world. Knowing the meaning of names can help parents to choose baby names, and can simply satisfy people who wonder: "What does my name mean?" For more information, please contact http://www.mfnames.com/ .
Masculine and Feminine Names website is a free dictionary of names created by Igor Katsev, who has a passion for discovering the etymology of names. The website acts as a great resource for finding the meaning and origin of names, along with their historical and religious significance. For more details, visit http://www.mfnames.com/