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Say thank you, happy birthday, good luck, well done the way you want to say it
Say thank you, happy birthday, good luck, well done the way you want to say it 
Do you ever walk into a card shop searching for a card to say one thing but end up walking out because the quality is poor
United Kingdom
"birthday cards, personalised birthday cards "
Do you ever walk into a card shop searching for a card to say one thing but end up walking out because the quality is poor, the verses are too soppy or you are paying a good few pounds because the card has a few beads on it or has been carefully embroidered by some famous card artist that you have never even heard of?
If this scenario rings a bell you may be interested to learn about e-cards the electronic way to send personalised cards to your loved ones for free.
The website is completely user-friendly and hosts a wide range of birthday cards, Christmas cards, father’s day cards, anniversary cards, in fact think of a type of card and they have it online.
You know your loved ones best and you will know exactly what they will like and what will make them laugh, cry or smile and what better way to do this than with personalised card.
This paperless method not only allows you to help the planet by saving on paper, it also allows you to save money because you can send an e card absolutely free!
This is because the website is 100 per cent funded by advertising so you can send your personalised e-cards to whoever you love (or hate!) and say how you want to say it without having to rely on the words used by a random poet found in most card stores.
Online greeting cards are always more fondly thought of as well. It shows you have gone out of your way to find a card which will mean something to the recipient with your own personalised message featured inside.
The method in the madness works a little something like this. Simply visit ecards.co.uk website and browse through the hundreds of e-cards found on the site. Once you have picked your favourite one, click send and fill in the sender and recipient details, click continue and your e-card is sent! Done!
The team have created a card for all occasions, some soppy some funny, but we can guarantee you will find just what you are looking for.
And don’t think it stops at sending just one card. Sign up to ecards.co.uk and send hundreds of cards to all of your friends and family for whatever occasion it may be.
For more information about sending personalised birthday cards or to view a wide collection of ecards products and services visit the website today at www.ecards.co.uk
Media Contact Information
Name: ecards
Website: www.ecards.co.uk
Phone: +44 (0)1237 426555
Address: Ecards Media Limited trading as ecards.co.uk
Unit 9
Farm Rd
Caddsdown Industrial Park
EX39 3BT
Country: United Kingdom
Media Contact Information
Name: ecards
Website: http://www.ecards.co.uk
Phone: +44 (0)1237 426555
Address: Ecards Media Limited trading as eCards.co.uk
Unit 9
Farm Rd
Caddsdown Industrial Park
EX39 3BT
Country: United Kingdom