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Free Local Business Web page and advertising opportunities at Poughkeepsie Marketplace
Free Local Business Web page and advertising opportunities at Poughkeepsie Marketplace
Local businesses now have an easy way to get a free web page and promote their products and services.
United States
POUGHKEEPSIE, NY (October, 22 2010) — Local businesses now have an easy way to get a free web page and promote their products and services. As a local business advertising service, Poughkeepsie Marketplace offers business owners the opportunity for customers to buy from easy online listings. Local consumers and potential Internet customers can access the directory easily.
The expensive costs of designing and implementing a website can be a stressful and time-consuming experience for local business owners. The rapid pace of keeping up with Internet technologies and the ever-changing retail marketplace has caused many business owners to look toward alternate selling options to maintain their annual sales. As consumers shift toward cheaper online alternatives, local sellers can now expand their online marketing campaigns to attract new customers or clients.
Businesses around the world are implementing new technologies and new ways of marketing their products or services. The organization and complex marketing required for maintaining a healthy sales level is a demanding task. Local businesses now have an easy way to use social marketing technologies and Internet marketing by creating a free account at Poughkeepsie Marketplace.
Small local businesses need exposure to introduce their products and services to potential customers and clients. Consumers or businesses can easily buy and sell new products online from the Poughkeepsie Marketplace website. Affiliate links can be added to the personalized pages to increase profit potential from commission sales. These options create a modern way for a small business to be introduced to online marketing. Businesses now have an easy way to continue to sell local products using this local business advertising service.
The Poughkeepsie Marketplace combines the very best local businesses together into one business directory. It is easy for local customers to search the directory and find a product, business, or service that meets their needs in the local area. The ability to buy and sell keeps consumers shopping local and continues to expand the local economy.
About Poughkeepsie Marketplace
Local businesses need a low-cost way to advertise and market their products and services to consumers. http://www.poughkeepsiemarketplace.com provides a free web page and affordable monthly membership plans that assist small local businesses with Internet marketing solutions using press releases, search engine optimization (SEO), article directory submissions, and Internet video advertising programs.
Roy Revill
RY Enterprises
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601