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Rejuvenate Med Spa Does a Quick Primer on BotoxFeatured PR

CT Day Spa Rejuvenate explains the nature of Botox.
Shelton, CT, United States (pr4links.com) 09/08/2012
CT Medical Spa Rejuvenate has written an article about Botox on a popular knowledge aggregator site.

Titled Botox - What Is It, How Does It Work, and appearing on Gather.com, a social site that's focused on discussions of relevant topics and informational articles, the article is a short introduction to the popular beauty treatment.

While everyone has heard of Botox, many people don't realize that in its original state, the substance is actually a very potent neurotoxin. Unless heavily diluted, it can lead to an unpleasant termination of the living process, usually within 2-3 days.

However, when used under medical dosage, Botox is not only a cosmetic aid, but a very useful medical treatment as well - the ability of the active ingredient to deaden nerves is key to alleviating or treating neurological disorders, spasms and so on.

Using Botox to fight wrinkles uses the same property. Botox blocks or weakens the background signals in facial nerves that cause muscles to contract and enhance the appearance of wrinkles. When facial musculature is relatively immobile, the skin appears smoother and less corrugated.

There are, of course, side effects. If the injections aren't done in proper doses and in the right locations, from mild to serious. Overdoing it can lead to temporary paralysis, until the effects wear off in sixty to seventy days. Botox isn't a simple subcutaneous injection - the drug needs to go into a nerve, so the person performing the injections must have medical experience, in order to avoid doing real damage.

This is why, if you're looking for Botox in CT, it's important to research the track record of the establishment that will be doing the procedure. A place that lacks experience and professionalism will probably be bad at injecting Botox, and should be avoided in the interests of your face.

Visit Gather.com and read the rest of the article for other factoids, such as the way that Botox permeates the cellular membrane to attack the SNAP protein.

Afterward, if you need Botox or Dysport injections, feel free to visit the Rejuvenate Spa site and schedule an appointment today!

Contact information:
Rejuventate Medical Spa
4 Corporate Drive, Suite 484
Shelton, CT 06484
Phone: (203) 944-9811
Email: info@rejuvenatemedspact.com



Afterward, if you need Botox or Dysport injections, feel free to visit the Rejuvenate Spa site and schedule an appointment today!


Rejuventate Medical

4 Corporate Drive, Suite 484
Zipcode : 06484