Home > Health and Fitness > Health and Fitness > MagicalFruit.com caters free shipping of Miracle Fruit Berry Tablets within US

MagicalFruit.com caters free shipping of Miracle Fruit Berry Tablets within US

Miracle Fruit Berry Tablets are 100% natural pills made from the natural miracle berry which has been freeze dried. These tablets are also known as miracle fruit tablets or mysterious fruit tabs.
Hidalgo, TX, United States (pr4links.com) 28/12/2010
If you are a sweet lover who wants something sugary in all the food items you eat, then a miracle fruit does the favor for you. This fruit has its native to West Africa and approximately has the size of a cranberry. Miracle fruits contain glycoprotein that acts as the Miraculin to modify the taste perception. On coating your tongue and mouth with the pulp of miracle fruit, foods which taste sour, bitter or acidic miraculously come to taste sweet. The fruit is usually expensive and would be fresh to eat only for two days from the day of harvesting. However, thanks to technological enhancements these fruits are now-a-days available in the form of tablets. Read further, as Mr. Vanderheyden of magical fruit.com discusses about the purpose of using miracle berry tablets and how they act as a perfect Miraculin.

“The ( http://www.magicalfruit.com/ ) miracle berry tablets are used for transforming lemons into delicious sweet lemonade, thereby elevating your taste experience. Mberry tablets transform ordinary foods into something extra ordinary. These tablets are helpful to people who want to limit their sugar intake and enhance their lifestyles by eating a healthier diet. People with diabetes and obesity are highly benefitted with ( http://www.magicalfruit.com/ ) miracle berry tablets since they sweeten the taste of food. Mberry tablets generally contain 350mg freeze dried miracle berry extract. They are made from the finest hand selected miracle berries and contain no colorants or cheap fillers”, says Mr. Vanderheyden.

“Our Miracle Fruit Berry Tablets consist of only miracle berry powder and high quality cornstarch in approximately equal quantities. The major benefit with these tablets is that they act as an appetite stimulant. So far people who have used the Miracle Berry fruit tablets have reported that Guinness tastes like chocolate milkshake, vinegar tastes like treacle, tomatoes taste sweet like peaches, lemons, grapefruit and rhubarb are irresistibly sweet without tasting sour or bitter. Lemons, oranges, tomatoes, cranberries, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapple, strawberries, pomegranate, watermelon, pickles, and sour creams are a few food suggestions to be eaten after tasting the Mberry tablet” he adds.

“At Magicalfruit.com we offer free shipping of mberry tablets for all US orders using USPS first class shipping. The products would reach your home within 2-5 days from the day you placed the order”.

About Magicalfruit.com:

Magicalfruit.com is the online provider for ( http://www.magicalfruit.com/ ) miracle fruit products. The founder of MagicalFruit.com, Dennis Vandeheyden has an experience for over 10 years in working for health websites. MagicalFruit.com was typically created to bring people the awareness of the berry’s ability to modify sour and bitter foods to sweet and educate on the nutrition and dietary benefits this fruit offers.


Miracle Fruit tablets are 100% pure freeze dried Miracle Fruit. The Miracle Fruit (Latin: synsepalum dulcificum) was discovered in 1727 in Ghana and Cameroon and brought to Europe, where it was used for centuries before it was discovered. Miracle Fruit has an active protein called Miraculin that blocks the acid and bitter flavors of foods to activate the taste buds in the mouth. Miracle Fruit does not have any taste of its own and is not a sweetener. The best example is the fruit lemon, it has l


Dennis Vanderheyden

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