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Whizkid Announces New Timetable Software for Schools

Whizkid announces new timetable software for school use. This innovative software manages a multitude of calendars in the school setting.
Norwood, GP, Israel (pr4links.com) 07/01/2011
AFRICA, Waverly Johannesburg (December 2010) – Whizkid announces new timetable software for school use. This innovative software manages a multitude of calendars in the school setting.

Timetable software is imperative in any school environment because it streamlines the job responsibilities of personnel and creates a much more organised school. Timetable software performs a lot of specific functions at the school level, many of which have cost personnel a great deal of time.

One thing this innovative software has managed to accomplish is the creation of workable schedules. One of the biggest challenges of schools is the management of teacher and student schedules. These schedules used to be created predominantly by hand which caused a lot of problems and time. Today, with timetable software the school personnel simply needs to input a teacher and which courses will be taught along with each student’s course schedule request. The software program will create teacher schedules automatically and assign students to their requested courses.

Timetable software can additionally create other schedules such as cafeteria or lunch schedules as well as visits to the media or library. As these are created, the computer will provide a specified time for each student to attend these two events. The software program can create the schedule on a weekly basis which will be necessary for the cafeteria, but can create a bimonthly schedule for the library or media center.

Other uses for administration and office staff exist through timetable software. Office staff responsible for timecard and leaves due to illness or personal reasons will benefit from this software. This software tabulates all the teachers present for the day and those not present. The software then deducts the amount of leave time necessary and automatically subtracts this from the payroll database. This alleviates a great deal of time for office personnel. Not only can the timetable software manage the amount of leave required, it can be programmed to coordinate substitute teachers.

Today, many schools are over populated and as a result are overcrowded. This requires several schools to go to split school schedules. This means half the school comes in the morning and the other half in the afternoon. Timetable software is highly specialised and can accommodate split scheduling.

Whizkid announces the availability of timetable software for school use whilst they manage a multitude of schedules. This innovative software comes with full technical support from Whizkid and can increase efficiency in the school environment.

Whiz Online Education
Barry Berman Whizkid
Postnet Suite #127
P.O. Box 92418
Norwood GP Israel 2117
27(0) 838866838


Whiz Online Education Barry Berman Whizkid CEO Postnet Suite #127 P.O. Box 92418 Norwood GP Israel 2117 http://www.whizkid.co.za info@whizkid.za 27(0) 838866838


Barry Berman Whizkid

Postnet Suite #127 P.O. Box 92418
Zipcode : 02117
27(0) 838866838