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Pills vs Pot - Medical Cannabis is a Contender

People on pain pills often over medicate, which when in pain is easily done, and this opens the door to possible overdose.
Chemainus, BC, Canada (pr4links.com) 11/01/2011
Chemainus, BC - January 11, 2011 - Many people suffering from chronic pain are taking drugs prescribed by their doctors as a form of long term pain management. Prescription pharmaceuticals such as OxyContin, Percocet, and Tylenol No 1 are very commonly prescribed, and can work very well, however, there is a trade off. The effects of these substances on our bodies is taxing at best, not to mention their effects on our mental well being. They often have a downer effect on the user. Marijuana, in comparison, acts as an effective pain reliever while allowing the user to maintain a stable state of mental well being and even a state of mild euphoria. Who wouldn't rather be high than low?

People on pain pills often over medicate, which when in pain is easily done, and this opens the door to possible overdose. These substances, even when taken properly, have side effects including constipation, rash and itchiness, headache, lethargy, and nausea. Marijuana does none of these things and in fact is a powerful anti-nausea medicine. It is physically impossible to overdose on Marijuana, so over medicating really isn't an issue.

Physical dependence on pharmaceuticals, especially opioids, is a given, if they're taken for any length of time. If suddenly stopped, the user will often suffer body aches, stomach cramps, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and fever. This is an unacceptable outcome, especially considering that the user takes the stuff to prevent themselves from having to endure such physical discomfort.

Medical Marijuana can safely be used as necessary as an analgesic by the patient to treat their symptoms as they occur. A few days without taking marijuana will not result in any sort of the physical withdrawal described above.

Ultimately the decision should be the patient's as to weather on not they want to take a certain type of medicine to treat themselves, when given the choice. In reality, unfortunately, this decision is more often than not made by a doctor, who, even with the best of intentions, creates an addict.

As marijuana gradually gains its acceptance as a legitimate pain treatment amongst the professional medical community, more patients will gain easier legal access to it. In the meantime, its up to the patients to educate their doctors and hopefully open up some eyes, and some minds, to the healing properties of cannabis.


Medical Marijuana Cure is an organization dedicated to providing patients with the tools, information, and support they need to find a safe and legal supply of Medical Marijuana. We are prepared to help with every step of the process, from the paperwork to practical advice on all issues surrounding the production, possession and use of medical cannabis. Marijuana is a miracle herb and those in need of it deserve to have it accessible.


Medical Marijuana Cure

3444 River Rd. Chemainus, BC V0R1K4
Zipcode : V0R1K4