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Documentation of Work Injuries
Documentation of Work Injuries 
The state of New York is one where individuals are able to obtain workers compensation. If you end up getting hurt on the job, you will be able to receive payment for the wages you lost from your injuries.
United States
The state of New York is one where individuals are able to obtain workers compensation. If you end up getting hurt on the job, you will be able to receive payment for the wages you lost from your injuries. You will also be eligible for treatment that relates to your injuries on the job. Even though this all sounds amazing, there is a catch. You are required to go to a doctor who has been certified through the state for treatment of workers compensation individuals. In order for the doctor to obtain certification, he will need to meet all of the criteria outlined by the state. They will then need to get a worker's compensation number that allows the doctor to treat those who are injured on the job. The doctor will need to be properly trained in the preparation and sending of the necessary documentation for the patient to receive their compensation, as well as the payment to the doctor. It is imperative that the doctor is proficient in preparing various forms that need to be submitted in a timely fashion.
A number of certified doctors are not capable of being able to handle the paperwork for workers compensation claims and the patient winds up not receiving their compensation or having trouble being able to receive the necessary treatment because of improper paperwork. It is imperative that you go to someone who understands what he or she is doing, so that way you are not left suffering in the end. If you go to a doctor that doesn't understand the proper procedures for preparing and submitting paperwork the injured patient, it is almost as if you never went to the doctor in the first place.
Thanks to Dr. Jeff J. Mollins and his dedicated team of specialists, you will never have to worry about not receiving the compensation to which you are entitled. He works with neurologists, pain management, orthopedists, psychologists, physical therapists and much more. Not only are they certified to handle your workers compensation claim, but also they are experts at filing the paperwork in a timely fashion. Patients can rest assured that they are going to receive the proper treatment and compensation for their work related injuries. If you ever end up getting hurt on the job, we are here to help you get back on your feet. For those who cannot work, we will work to get you the compensation you deserve.
For more details please visit http://www.nyinjurydoctors.com/
“When an accident occurs, no matter how small it may seem to be, let us provide you with a comprehensive examination immediately. This along with diagnostic testing will enable us to determine an accurate diagnosis. We can then place you on a proper regimen of therapy to prevent much more serious problems in the future. Remember, good health is good wealth”. For additional information, please visit http://www.nyinjurydoctors.com/ or call Dr. Mollins at 888-80-DOCTOR.