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Edcomm Banker’s Academy Certifies 18 Illinois Bank Employees with Advanced Negotiation Training

Edcomm Banker’s Academy has recently certified 18 employees from an Illinois Bank through its Advanced Negotiations training program.
chennai, tamilnadu, India (pr4links.com) 26/02/2011
New York, NY, February 26, 2010 -- Edcomm Banker’s Academy has recently certified 18 employees from an Illinois Bank through its Advanced Negotiations training program. Upon competition of Advanced Negotiation Skills, participants gained the knowledge, skills and certification needed to be successful in even the toughest negotiation.

Effective negotiators do not argue. They work with the other party to find a solution that both sides can live with. Remember, negotiating is about finding a solution; arguing is about trying to prove the other person wrong. By understanding general types of negotiation styles, employees will be able to better assess both bad habits they have in communicating as well as what is their “comfort zone.” It is important for employees to work to expand their comfort zones because, as negotiators, they must work with and make compromise with many different types of people.

Advanced Negotiation Skills, from Edcomm Banker’s Academy, is an interactive training program that is designed to build on basic negotiation skills and teach advanced negotiation techniques that lead to success every time. Deployed as eLearning, blended or classroom training, the program teaches students how to develop a “negotiator style” and how to conduct a proper presentation when negotiating. Advanced Negotiation Skills covers topics such as: Defining the Value of the Deal, Negotiation and Ethics, Building Agreement, and Avoid Being Manipulated.

For more information about programs like this, or to find out how The Edcomm Group Banker’s Academy can customize any training program, log onto www.bankersacademy.com or call +1.212.631.9400.

The Edcomm Group Banker’s Academy is a 23-year-old multimedia education and communication consulting firm specializing in the development of creative business solutions that improve productivity, customer service and market share - providing bottom-line results. The Edcomm Group Banker’s Academy has had the privilege of assisting many distinguished clients with business solutions in the form of eLearning programs, online bank training and classroom instruction, multimedia production and online and print based documentation. Edcomm Banker's Academy offers many off-the-shelf and customized courses such as Teller Training, Compliance Training and Systems Training specifically designed for Banks, Credit Unions and Money Services Businesses (MSBs).

The Edcomm Group Banker's Academy (www.bankersacademy.com) is headquartered in New York City with locations and representation throughout the world.

Dr. Linda Eagle
Edcomm Banker’s Academy
21 Penn Plaza, Suite 1010
New York, NY 10001, USA
Fax: 212.631.0659


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