Latest Press Releases

  • 945

    The Exciting Route to HIV Curative Strategies

    HIV chronically infects 34 million people worldwide. Although major advances have been achieved over the past 15 years with antiretroviral therapy, there is no definite cure. Recent developments in HIV persistence knowledge allow to regain hope and draw some potential strategies towards a cure.

    By : | 06-16-2011 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 945

  • 787

    Murrieta Pediatrician Office Expansion

    The expansion project to the Murrieta Children’s Primary Care Medical Group (CPCMG) office will double the size of the facility and allow for both sick and well child waiting rooms.

    By : | 06-16-2011 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 787

  • 682

    Out-Perform the Competition and Stand Out from the Crowd

    Expectations are what we think will happen. Reality is what actually happens. There's a big discrepancy between the two because we usually expect too MUCH or too LITTLE. Either one causes big-time problems. And that's why we must be reasonable, fair, and balanced when setting expectations, says author Connie Podesta in "10 Ways to Stand Out from the Crowd".

    By : | 06-16-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 682

  • 838

    LDATD Engages Gabriel for PR & Social Media Program

    The Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto District (LDATD) contracts Toronto PR firm for public relations and social media services.

    By : | 06-16-2011 | Education:Education | Total Views : 838

  • 825

    MBA:Specialist MBA vs General MBA: Making the smarter choice

    Specialized MBA programs are meant to give you a proper direction to your higher education and provide the right launch pad for a focused career.

    By : | 06-16-2011 | Education:College Or University | Total Views : 825

  • 1099

    Annik offers cutting edge online market research tools for their partners.

    Annik Technology Services Ltd, a leading research technology firm based in India with offices around the world.

    By : | 06-16-2011 | Computer:Computer | Total Views : 1099

  • 707

    Book Cheap flights to Orlando to Take a Look at its Incredible Golf Courses

    Lively culture, thrilling adventure and vivacious nightlife are few things that define Orlando in best manner. However, list of Orlando’s attractions doesn’t end here. Golf is one of the most favorite sports in the city which is evident from its excellent golf courses.

    By : | 06-16-2011 | Travel:Travel | Total Views : 707

  • 1267

    Bill Howe Family of Companies Named One of the Best Places to Work by the San Diego Business Journal

    For the second consecutive year, the Bill Howe Family of Companies has been named one of San Diego best places to work by the San Diego Business Journal.

    By : | 06-16-2011 | Home and Family:Landscaping And Gardening | Total Views : 1267

  • 1368

    Kirk Communications Aims to be Top Marketing Agency New Hampshire

    Kirk Communication is striving to become a well-known marketing agency New Hampshire. Kirk has recently added John Decker, a well-established creative director in charge of Kirks advertising, media buying, and research.

    By : | 06-16-2011 | Technology:Internet | Total Views : 1368

  • 743

    Pool Professionals Promotes Healthy Living with 4th of July Event

    This 4th of July, Pool Professionals will be organizing a "Fun-Family Relay Race" at the Preston Village community swim club.

    By : | 06-16-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 743