Latest Press Releases

  • 882

    AyoWorld is now on Twitter, Facebook and Myspace. Are You?

    AyoWorld will be actively engaging with its users on social media websites such as Facebook, twitter to provide them with special offers and latest offerings

    By : | 11-03-2010 | Technology:Electronics | Total Views : 882

  • 882

    Revolutionize the way you use your BlackBerry with Appstore

    AyoWorld stocks and updates its appstore regularly so you can enhance your BlackBerry experience. Create an account today and see the difference

    By : | 11-03-2010 | Technology:Electronics | Total Views : 882

  • 803

    CSOFT Launches TermWiki Toolbar - The World’s First Search Engine to Support 3D Search™

    CSOFT International Ltd., a leading provider of multilingual localization, testing, and software development services for the global market, announced today the official launch of the TermWiki Toolbar for Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

    By : | 11-03-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 803

  • 1167

    SEO Host which will Transform Your Business

    Breaking the monotony of standard optimization, SEO Hosting has managed to carve out its very own niche in online marketing and overall statistical development of a website. This is the future of online marketing.

    By : | 11-03-2010 | Business:Online Marketing or SEO | Total Views : 1167

  • 1108

    TxtImpact Announced White Label Reseller Mobile Marketing Platform

    TxtImpact has announced the launch of white label reseller mobile marketing platform for marketing agencies. To allow brands, agencies, and small businesses efficiently build integrated mobile marketing campaigns.

    By : | 11-02-2010 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 1108

  • 634

    Ovarian Cysts Can be Treated Naturally in the Initial Stages

    1 out of every 10 women suffers from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and with proper diagnosis and early detection one can expect to ward off ugly consequences like infertility.

    By : | 11-02-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 634

  • 671

    Trying to Get Pregnant at a Later Stage in Life?

    Fertility graphs for an average woman shows a gradual decline when she enters her thirties, although there have been many medical miracles of conceiving even in late 40’,s women are not really guaranteed with a healthy baby with these unnatural in-vitro methods.

    By : | 11-02-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 671

  • 715

    Satellite TV Channels Accessed on Your PC & TV at a One-time Fee of $34.95

    Cutting down your expenses need not just limit to activities like holidaying, shopping and credit card spending this holiday season but can also extend to getting rid of those expensive cable or satellite dish connections by installing Satellite TV Channel software on your PC.

    By : | 11-02-2010 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 715

  • 801

    Diet Pills That Work - Not a myth anymore

    When it comes to the weight reduction pills, there are only a few products that live up to the promise made.

    By : | 11-02-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 801

  • 1060

    National Conference on "Spirituality & Ethics in Management" Concludes at SMS

    Noted Parliamentarian Shri Mohan Singh, also a member of the Governing Council of School of Management Sciences (SMS), Varanasi, who was present in the Valedictory Session of the two-day National Conference on "Spirituality and Ethics in Management" organised under the aegis of the Centre for Spiritualism and Human Enrichment (C-SHE) of SMS, said that identification and recognition of 'self' is the biggest characteristic of spirituality.

    By : | 11-02-2010 | Education:College Or University | Total Views : 1060