Latest Press Releases

  • 961

    Lyubov Gorelik Chosen to Be Featured in Leading Publication

    Lyubov Gorelik was recently chosen to represent New York State as a leader in Psychiatry and was featured alongside other top physicians from around the globe.

    By : | 09-23-2010 | Society:Society | Total Views : 961

  • 1545

    VLC Player Available for Download on iOS Now

    The player has numerous built-in codecs, making it suitable for pretty-much every video format out there

    By : | 09-23-2010 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 1545

  • 960

    This Diwali Diwali Gifts Store is full of Surprises

    Diwali is a series of festivals and is closely associated with Blessings and Greetings from dear ones. Dhanteras, Diwali, New Year and Bhai Dooj are popular festivals in India.

    By : | 09-23-2010 | Business:e-Commerce | Total Views : 960

  • 784

    Dress Up Games for Young Girls that Luv to have Fun!

    Dress up mania has arrived with the free Dress Up Luv website that soars to the top in Dress up fun. No worries for Mum with appropriate content of fashion designs for every type of dress.

    By : | 09-23-2010 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 784

  • 724

    Follow a line of investigation in internet with virtual assistant

    To improve everyone’s IQ is the very hard activity according to the traditional era. The facility of internet is avoiding that problem neck and crop. In the field of modern technology, internet works like a greased lightning. Virtual assistant makes internet research for their clients very effectively.

    By : | 09-23-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 724

  • 679

    Address Logics says address hygiene for the small to medium size business is being overlooked, a company which specializes in address hygiene, says that address cleansing and validation is a great tool for businesses of all shapes and sizes who utilize direct mailing solutions as part of their standard operations.

    By : | 09-23-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 679

  • 1313

    DC-Directive Communication Psychology Trainer Certification Program Now in India

    Directive Communication is VOTED as ASIA's No.1 Management Training and Organization Development Company.

    By : | 09-23-2010 | Self Help Or Personal Growth:Self Help Or Personal Growth | Total Views : 1313

  • 1831 Updates Software to Jailbreak iPad 3.2.2 would like to announce that they have updated their existing iPad jailbreak software to make it compatible with Apple’s latest release, namely the iOS 3.2.2 firmware

    By : | 09-23-2010 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 1831

  • 974

    Clients of Harpal Bhachu look back pleasingly at their perfect memories

    Every wedding is a professional assignment for Harpal Bhachu and and opportunity to capture the bliss of love between a couple. Clients are overjoyed with the shots and relieve those moments with the photographs.

    By : | 09-23-2010 | Art and Entertainment:Photography | Total Views : 974

  • 1265

    AJ Square Inc announces Auction language pack for AJ Auction Pro -Complete Aution Software

    AJ Square Inc is proud to announce the language pack for its product AJ Auction pro - The Professional & Complete auction software. AJ Auction language pack is for Chinese, Croatian, Persian, French, Germany, Italy, Russian, Spanish, Turkish.AJ Auction Pro Language Pack, in UTF-8 with all files and buttons and ready for installation, now it’s easier to download and install it in your own languages.

    By : | 09-23-2010 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 1265