Featured Press Releases

  • 829

    Rent My House Back Schemes With rentmyhouseback.com

    There are a number of options to releasing cash from your home that you can consider but why consider others when Rentmyhouseback.com have released their very own dedicated reasons to why you should choose their company to deal with your sell and rent back solution.

    By : | 10-18-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 829

  • 1017

    The History of Structured Settlements

    In today’s world, there are many individuals who have received structured settlements. These often come as the result of a lawsuit victory in a court case against a company or person who has done the recipient physical and personal harm. Structured settlements have an interesting history going back almost forty years.

    By : | 10-18-2010 | Computer:Computer | Total Views : 1017

  • 1058

    The History of Structured Settlement Factoring Transactions

    Structured settlements for personal injury cases became popular in the 1980’s, after the U.S. Tax code was modified to provide favorable tax treatment to insurance companies offering periodic payments rather than a lump sum payment.

    By : | 10-18-2010 | Computer:Computer | Total Views : 1058

  • 1053

    Discount Rates and Structured Settlements

    When one attempts to sell their structured settlement, a factoring company cannot pay the total sum of all payments to the holder of the structured settlement. This is because the factoring company is foregoing interest on the sum of money, if the money were invested elsewhere.

    By : | 10-18-2010 | Computer:Computer | Total Views : 1053

  • 1315

    Amusement Park Personal Injury Settlement- Lawsuit Funding

    Personal injury lawsuits involving amusement parks usually bring to mind serious accidents involving the malfunction of a ride. While these cases grab your attention in the headlines, they don’t represent the majority of amusement park personal injury lawsuits.

    By : | 10-18-2010 | Computer:Computer | Total Views : 1315

  • 1044

    "Email Marketing Campaigns- Best way to Get More Business"

    Email marketing services provide effective and easy way to get achieves desired marketing goals. Through Email marketing your message or services is sent to customers. Email marketing is also helps to build up relationship with the customers by personalized and relevant email communications. Email marketing is a best and cheapest way to distribute your business messages to customers or public segment via mailer (email).

    By : | 10-18-2010 | Business:Advertising Or Marketing | Total Views : 1044

  • 957

    Findatrailer.com Provides Trailers For Buyers And Sellers All Over The United States

    Whether you're moving, vacationing or simply need to get something from one place to another, a trailer is one of life's necessities.

    By : | 10-18-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 957

  • 876

    Replacement Windows Make An Energy Efficient Home

    Protect your home and your air conditioner from being overworked this winter with energy efficient replacement windows. Green Home Improvements is proud to share our window division with all of south Texas. Learn how new replacement windows can help save your electric bills.

    By : | 10-18-2010 | Home and Family:Home and Family | Total Views : 876

  • 918

    Cargostoragecontainer.com - Putting Consumers In Touch With Storage Options

    From homes to businesses, cargo storage containers are in need for a variety of reasons. CargoStorageContainer.com offers resources and information for finding cargo storage containers in your area.

    By : | 10-18-2010 | Business:e-Commerce | Total Views : 918

  • 1301

    AsiaBiz Discusses Why a Subsidiary Company is Ideal For Singapore Company Formation

    Most business registration firms believe that a Singapore subsidiary company is the most ideal for foreign entrepreneurs who want to setup a Singapore company with its countless of benefits especially in terms of taxes and limited liabilities on business-related losses and debts.

    By : | 10-17-2010 | Business:Entrepreneurs | Total Views : 1301