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Press Releases - May 2010

  • 1357

    Buy Mobile Phones: Bringing Ease To The World Of Communication

    Everyone at some point of life needs to buy a mobile phone. It facilitates easy correspondence with one another along with excellent additions like those of entertainment and business. The market has a large variety to offer and a number of networks to choose from. The phones can be bought through online portals with much ease as well.

    By : | 05-10-2010 | Technology:Mobile | Total Views : 1357

  • 1234

    free remote database services with sla for definite result

    Hiring own expert oracle database administrator is very difficult and costly in present global market. Avoid the high turnover associated with hiring expert Oracle DBAs. When an Oracle DBA leaves, they take your training investment and your peace of mind with them. Getting remote services is best option because during remote specific DBA functions is the without giving up control of the IT assets. Dbametrix offers remote database services with Service Level Agreement. Due to this reason client c

    By : | 05-10-2010 | Computer:Databases | Total Views : 1234